Examples of maps are depicted above and include the Official Community Plan, Shawnigan Basin Zoning, South Cowichan Zoning, Land Ownership, and Lot Size Classification; however, the full range of maps can be found on the Community Mapping and Bio-Physical Mapping buttons below...
Shawnigan Lake Community Mapping and Shawnigan Basin Bio-Physical Mapping
As Shawnigan Lake celebrates more than 100 years as a lakeside community, it stands at a crossroads. It looks towards a more sustainable future, but a number of significant challenges stand in the way:
With a shared history as a long-time neighbour at Shawnigan Lake, TimberWest (Couverdon) also stands at a crossroads with respect to the future of its resource lands. Tasked with investigating the potential of the Couverdon lands as an asset both to the landowner and the South Cowichan community, EKISTICS has been commissioned to complete an evaluation of TimberWest (Couverdon) holdings within the Shawnigan Basin towards a more sustainable future within the Shawnigan community.
The fundamental challenges facing the community are all defined within the single organizing system of the Shawnigan Lake watershed. The following series of community maps have been created through the lens of the Shawnigan Basin, with the goal of more fully understanding the interconnected systems that shape the land and its community (EKISTICS, Sept. 20, 2013).
- Social - many of the goals and objectives defined within the Shawnigan Village Official Community Plan (OCP) including the growth and diversification of the Village itself, are limited by the absence of a realistic implementation strategy including, more specifically, the provision of community sanitary infrastructure (OCP, 2010, pp 7-8).
- Environmental - the decline in the health of Shawnigan Lake, resulting from many factors, including loss of forest cover within the watershed and failing septic systems along the lake edge, requires a critical re-evaluation of status quo land use policy and management practices.
- Financial - the magnitude of capital investment required to implement basin-wide strategies necessitates partnerships between the public and private sectors, buy-in from local residents and a commitment among all stakeholders to set aside historically adversarial roles in favour of a collaborative and solutions-oriented approach.
With a shared history as a long-time neighbour at Shawnigan Lake, TimberWest (Couverdon) also stands at a crossroads with respect to the future of its resource lands. Tasked with investigating the potential of the Couverdon lands as an asset both to the landowner and the South Cowichan community, EKISTICS has been commissioned to complete an evaluation of TimberWest (Couverdon) holdings within the Shawnigan Basin towards a more sustainable future within the Shawnigan community.
The fundamental challenges facing the community are all defined within the single organizing system of the Shawnigan Lake watershed. The following series of community maps have been created through the lens of the Shawnigan Basin, with the goal of more fully understanding the interconnected systems that shape the land and its community (EKISTICS, Sept. 20, 2013).
Shawnigan Basin Community Mapping
Shawnigan Basin Bio-Physical Mapping
Web Design by VedaWorks and the Shawnigan Basin Society